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Hardcastle and McCormick:
Virtual Season Four


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By all accounts, Stephen Cannell encouraged, mentored, and inspired countless professional writers during his career, and there were almost certainly hundreds more who learned from him without ever having the opportunity to work at his side.

Perhaps as important, he created a legion of fans who came to recognize his name (and later, that iconic logo) as synonymous with quality television and pure entertainment.

Later in life, he took his zeal for story-telling onto the printed page, and continued to give us interesting characters and compelling story lines.

His is a legacy that will not soon be forgotten, and we invite you to take a stroll down memory lane—or learn about the depth of his influence for the first time—as you browse through just some of the things that he accomplished through the years.

That Famous Logo

Castle: blurring the line between TV and Books


All episodes & posts ©2019 - 2025 by the listed author or authors;
other material ©2019 - 2025 by M. Lynn Walker.

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This page was last modified on Friday, 18 October 2019, at 10:23 pm Pacific Time.